@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000134, author = {佐藤, 敏子 and 山名, 豊美 and 中川, 武 and 岡田, あずさ and Sato, Toshiko and Yamana, Toyomi and Nakagawa, Takeshi and Okada, Azusa}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Tsukuba International University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to examine if aural-oral activity through Processing Instruction is effective for the Japanese university-level learners of English. The whole research plans are as follows; (1) allocating each examinee into the appropriate class by a pre-test result, (2) setting up the curriculum and going on Processing Instruction, (3) conducting a post-test and comparing its outcome to the one of a pre-test, (4) analyzing the data statistically, and (5) finding out which grammatical items they have acquired and which ones they have not. The results of the experiment led to the following conclusions: (1) There is a statistical significance between the experimental and control group. (2) The oral activity through Processing Instruction (i. e. an input-oriented approach to grammar instruction) is effective for activating the learners' grammatical competence of English., 5, KJ00004011207, P}, pages = {1--21}, title = {文法運用力とその効果的な指導法}, volume = {8}, year = {2002}, yomi = {サトウ, トシコ and ヤマナ, トヨミ and ナカガワ, タケシ and オカダ, アズサ} }