@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000014, author = {山根, 律子 and 池, 弘子 and Yamane, Ritsuko and Ike, Hiroko}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Tsukuba International University}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is required that the information necessary for ordinary city life should be easily understood by persons with mental handicaps in addition to the non-handicapped. The present public information, however, lacks in such consideration. In this study, we investigated the degree of understanding of the information concerning emergencies and safety by adults with mental handicaps and made considerations of how to show the information in order to improve the understanding by persons with handicaps. The investigation was performed to adults with mental handicaps who are regarded as capable of independent living. It was made clear that just the part of the examinees correctly understand these informations. The results shows that the factor preventing them understanding these informations is the way of showing these informations, that is, lack of clearness, use of difficult expressions and Chinese characters. It is therefore required, in the near future, to make improvements in the above-mentioned points and further investigate how the measures taken contribute to improving the understanding by persons with handicaps., 8, KJ00004010942, P}, pages = {47--56}, title = {知的障害者への情報伝達に関する予備的検討 : 災害・安全確保にかかわる情報の理解度調査}, volume = {1}, year = {1995}, yomi = {ヤマネ, リツコ and イケ, ヒロコ} }