@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000205, author = {平野, 千秋 and 鈴木, 育子 and 新田, 芙美子 and Hirano, Chiaki and Suzuki, Ikuko and Nitta, Fumiko}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Tsukuba International University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of our study was to investigate the effect of the photographic dietary assessment on the obese children. Twenty-five obese children (9 girls and 16 boys) participated in this study from the outpatient clinic of pediatrics, Kinu Medical Associate Hospital, Ibaraki prefecture. The obese children were divided into the following groups after the management protocols were carried out: respondent group≧15% and non-respondent group < 15% by the reduction in the obesity index compared with previous one. There were 18 children (5 girls and 13 boys) in the respondent group and 7 children (2 girls and 5 boys) in the non-respondent one. In result, significant differences were recognized among vegetables, fruits and fats in terms of their food intake among regimens. The children of the respondent group were significantly associated with increasing trends in the intake of vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, fat intake decreased significantly in the respondent group. These findings indicate that nutritional education with photographic dietary assessment to obese children is applicable to change their improper eating behaviors., 10, KJ00004129546, P}, pages = {59--71}, title = {写真法を用いた小児に対する食事指導の検討 : 第2報 従来の食事指導で減量できなかった肥満児への応用}, volume = {11}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ヒラノ, チアキ and スズキ, イクコ and ニッタ, フミコ} }