@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000045, author = {篠原, 昭雄 and Shinohara, Akio}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Tsukuba International University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper is aimed at explaining what Japan-U. S. mutual understanding should be like, and at the same time how the educational teaching materials should be developed for deepening the mutual understanding especially in the fields of social studies at educational instructions from elementary schools through universities. The results of this study first show that the clarification of fundamental factors is needed to deepen the mutual understanding between Japan and the United States on each educational level of social studies education, and also that it becomes necessary for us to know where the factors should take their places in the curricula of social studies education and in its teaching process. Secondly, it is maintained that in examining the differences and similarities of two cultures, we should have two tasks in mind; (1) how to relate all the general and specifically stereotyped images or features about their social organizations or codes of life that we learn in studying another culture to the images of their culture that each individual living there really has. (2) how to develop empathy or role-taking ability as an individual being to infer the feelings and the needs of others or other cultures. Thirdly, it should be noted that in dealing with the cultural issues or phenomena that both Japanese and American students have to face, there exists a necessity for Japanese and American students to investigate what remain in the cultural background as a fundamental way or standpoint of developing intercultural awareness, and moreover to make a further comparative study of both two culture on the basis of the shared concept called globalism. As a final point, I should emphasize that the following four viewpoints and methods are needed in the attempt to deepen the mutual understanding between Japan and United States through the cross-cultural studies of various cultural issues that two countries have in common; (1) to understand the factors through which many cultural differences between Japan and the United States occur (2) to understand the elements backgrounding cultural similarities of two cultures (3) to understand the relationship of two cultures (4) to understand and learn how to respond to people, conditions, and the situations as they arise in intercultural communication between two cultures. Relevant to this final conclusion is five keys to cross-cultural understanding that I introduced before in another paper. The same keys are pointed out again in this paper., 7, KJ00004010973, P}, pages = {43--57}, title = {日米相互理解のための社会科教材の開発}, volume = {3}, year = {1997}, yomi = {シノハラ, アキオ} }