@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000461, author = {長島, 緑 and 岩田, 裕美 and 矢花, 光 and 池上, 千恵美 and NAGASHIMA, Midori and IWATA, Hiromi and YABANA, Hikaru and IKEGAMI, Chiemi}, journal = {紀要, Bulletin : Tsukuba International Junior College}, month = {Jun}, note = {これまでの授業カリキュラムでは,高齢者の嚥下機能の低下と認知及び身体機能の障害を考慮した摂食・嚥下障害の学習と技術の根拠についての検討が十分ではなく,そのため,学外で高齢者の食事介護を多く行う学生が食事介護を実施する際に誤嚥,肺炎という事故が予測された。本学科では,学外実習前の学生に限られた指導時間の中で嚥下機能と障害そして介護を結びつけるための授業を行う必要があった。検討の結果,昨年まで授業では行っていない右片麻痺・嚥下障害疑似体験・介護体験の演習を計画した。この演習が学生に及ぼした学習について質的分析した結果,11のカテゴリーが抽出された。分析から障害疑似体験・介護体験は,困難経験の学習につながり,食事介助を行う側と受ける側の2つの側面から村象の理解を深めたと考えられた。学外実習前に行われた障害疑似者への食事介護体験をすることによって学生の思考は,障害のある利用者の身体的・精神的理解に進み,さらに,専門職種的思考の発展にまで及んでいたことが明らかになった。, There hasn't been enough discussion in the educational area for student of the course of human care & welfare based on the evidence relating to knowledge and skill about dysfunction of ingestion and deglutition with consideration for elderly patients who have dysfunction of deglutition, cognition and body functions. Previous studies suggested that care worker students might have risks to cause accidents relating to mis-deglutition or Pneumonia when they are in clinical training. There is a necessity to offer students a new project in order to combine their knowledge and care skills prior to their Clinical training. A plan was designed that helps students practice obstacle para-experience and care experience training for a patient who had right hemiplegia and deglutitive dysfunction. It never has been offered in in-school practice. Questionnaires were distributed to explore what this new practical project gave students. Eleven major categories were extracted from the responses of students. It was revealed that students gained physical and psychological understanding for patients who had dysfunctions through the new practice. It was suggested that students understand both points of views as care givers and care takers. It was also suggested that the new project was effective as students developed the thought as a specialist., 12, KJ00004476649, P}, pages = {113--122}, title = {障害疑似体験・介護体験演習が学生に及ぼす学びの質的分析 : 右片麻痺・嚥下障害疑似体験・食事介護体験の演習で学習されている内容}, volume = {34}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ナガシマ, ミドリ and イワタ, ヒロミ and ヤバナ, ヒカル and イケガミ, チエミ} }