@article{oai:tiu-tijc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000054, author = {桐原, 宏行 and 加藤, 哲文 and 徳田, 克己 and Kirihara, Hiroyuki and Katoh, Tetsubumi and Tokuda, Katsumi}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Tsukuba International University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study investigated the attitudes of people who receive customers toward handicapped persons in order to help clarify and improve the treatment of handicapped persons in the work place. The investigation was performed on 2060 employees of Tobu Department Store. In this investigation, the Multi-Dimensional Attitude Scale consisting of 50 questions was used for the study on the attitude toward physical handicapped persons. The results showed that those who were in a position to have less frequent chances to communicate directly with physical handicapped persons had predominantly negative views in two dimensions; "Refusal", "Perplexity", among the five dimensions of attitude. However, in the dimensions of "Special ability", "Egocentrism", there was no significant difference. To assist understanding of handicapped persons in the work place, the remaining task in the planned training is to give persons who have direct contact with physical handicapped persons objective information to make them have an appropriate view on the ability., 16, KJ00004010982, P}, pages = {183--190}, title = {接客業従事者の肢体不自由者に対する態度に関する研究}, volume = {3}, year = {1997}, yomi = {キリハラ, ヒロユキ and カトウ, テツブミ and トクダ, カツミ} }